What is "Segmentation"?

What is "Segmentation"?

The Segmentation feature allows you to bunch books and/or series together as you see fit. For instance, if you'd like to see the lifetime performance of your multiple series' book ones then you can create a segment titled "First Books". You can then go to the homepage and choose the "Series Filter" on the homepage and select that segment to get the report. 


Wouldn’t it be great if you could lump all of your individual genre series into one report? 

For example, lets say you have 10 different series in Sweet Romance, but you currently have them listed under their own series name. That’s precisely what you should be doing, of course, but when you go to look at your reports you’re limited to selecting only one of them at a time.

Not any longer!

With Book Segmentation you’re now able to group various series and books (or combinations of both) together so you can see them all together. 🙂

Follow these screen shots to see how to set it up!


Now, go to ANY page that supports Segmentation (Home Page, Sell-thru/Read-Thru Report, and Historical Breakdown Charts) and choose the series filter dropdown.