I'm running a Countdown Deal on Amazon. How do I set this up in The Author Helper Suite?

I'm running a Countdown Deal on Amazon. How do I set this up in The Author Helper Suite?

We don't offer per-day price tracking, but you can eyeball the deal's performance. After the Countdown Deal is done, we recommend you wait a few days to get a more accurate trend line. Then do the following:

1. Head into the Series Sell/Read-Through report tab
2. Click on the "Price source" drop-down menu and select "Use author's manually selected price"
3. Change the book's price to the first price of the Countdown Deal (i.e. 0.99)
4. Change the date range to include a timeframe that includes the days of the deal.
5. Make a note of whichever results you want to track.
6. Click on the price for the book in the Countdown deal
7. Change it to the second price of the Countdown Deal (i.e. 1.99)
8. Change the date range to include a timeframe that includes the days of the deal.
9. Make a note of whichever results you want to track.
10. Repeat until you've gathered data from each price point.

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