When you download certain sales report (i.e. D2D, Shopify), you selected the month of the report and the service provided the report for the month you selected. Therefore, all the data in that report should be for that month. However, due to the way these services report sales, you may often see multiple months’ of data in a single report.
To see what we mean, open the report file in question and you’ll note that either the month is missing or there are sales present from the previous month. This is why we need to ask which month you want to assign the sales to.
Whatever month you choose, when the report contains multiple month’s worth of data, AHS will assign the outlier month’s sales to the first of the month. All sales that take place in your chosen month will be assigned to their day of sale.
* You upload a D2D report with 10 resolved Apple sales in January and 5 resolved Apple sales in February.
* You choose February as the report month in AHS before you upload it.
Result: You’ll see the 10 January Apple sales appear on February 1st (the month you assigned the report to) and 5 sales broken down by day in February.
If you mistakenly choose the wrong month for your report, you can delete that month’s data and upload again. To delete the data, head to your account settings and click on the “Remove Income Reports” tab. Choose the month you want to delete and click the remove button.