I can't sign in!

I can't sign in!

If you're an existing subscriber, it's possible that the system is experiencing a rare issue. Please watch our Facebook page for updates at https://www.facebook.com/groups/readerlinks/

If you just signed up to The Author Helper Suite for a trial account, or as a reader, please try the following:

1. Whitelist theauthorhelper.com and theauthorhelper.com emails 
2. Go to our sign in page at  https://readerlinks.com/author_login.php for authors or https://readerlinks.com/reader_login.php for readers
3.  Try logging in from there.  If you still cannot log in, then...
4. Click on the "Forgot Password?" link that is directly underneath the password text field
5. Watch your email for a new verification
6. Change your password and sign in

updated 2/2023

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