You can set the default affiliate code for each market in your settings. Please do the following:
1. Click on 'Pen Name Settings' under the Settings menu at the top of the page.
2. Click on the 'Default Affiliate Codes' tab.
3. Enter the default affiliate codes for your account(s). Example: frdefg-20.
4. Click the 'Update Settings' button.
Your links will now show the affiliate codes you entered. To change these to another affiliate code:
1. Select the edit icon to the far right of the link listing (it's a small icon that looks like a pencil and paper)
2. You'll see text fields where you can enter alternate affiliate codes.
3. Enter the codes.
4. Click 'Update Link'.
If you don't see the affiliate codes showing up on your links when you click on them, you may have affiliate links turned off for that book. To change this:
1. Head to the Books page in AHS
2. Select the book on which you'd like to activate affiliate codes.
3. Click on the Book Details tab
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you'll see 'Use Amazon affiliate tags?'
5. Select YES
6. Do this for each book that should use the affiliate codes.
updated 2/2023