1. Head to your My Books page on Apple. Click on "Sales and Trends." 2. From the "Sales and Trends Reports " view, click on the date and select the month from the "Summary Sales Report" section that you'd like to upload. 3. Click the "Download" ...
The Author Helper Suite accepts Audible (ACX) sales reports. Note that there is no daily information because ACX does not provide daily breakdowns in their monetary reports. Therefore, all ACX sales data is saved as the last day of the month for the ...
Step 1: Make sure that your browser's bookmark bar is showing. Here's a guide to help if you don't know how - https://it.nmu.edu/docs/display-bookmarks-and-favorites-your-internet-browser NOTE: If you have a version of the Author Helper Suite (AHS) ...
You may need to assign the audiobook to its corresponding eBook. You can do this by following these steps: 1. In AHS, hover over 'AuthorAnalytics' at the top of the page and choose 'Manage audiobook assignments' 2. You'll see a tab there called ...
Grabbing your Facebook Ads data There are two ways you can get your Facebook Ads data. One of them is to go to the Facebook Ads Manager, set everything up appropriately, choose your timeframe, and download the data. Then, once you have it, go to the ...