How do I use the AHS Calendar (AuthorPlanner)?

How do I use the AHS Calendar (AuthorPlanner)?

The Author Helper Suite’s AuthorPlanner allows you to schedule events, promotions, and tasks so that you can keep all of your scheduling needs in one spot. You’ll also be able to manage the color schemes of the different items so that you can more easily track your month/day at-a-glance.

Adding a New Item to the Calendar

Step 1: Name the item. It’s usually best to give an item a brief title, but whatever works for you best is what you should do. Remember, this is your calendar!

Step 2: Connect the book. Since most items are directly tied to a task you want to accomplish for a particular book, you can directly connect the item to that book. Alternatively, you can mark this as a stand-alone task, which will mean it will only appear on this calendar view. It will not appear on the individual book calendars.
Step 3: Select the task type. There are a number of built-in task types, and you may have created a few of your own. Here is where you set the kind of task that represents this item. Doing so will give it a color scheme that helps you see what an item is more easily.

Step 4: Set the dates. You can set the start and end date for this item or just set the start date and The Author Helper Suite will automatically make the end date match. A start date is required, though.

Step 5: Describe the task. This is where you want to give yourself the details you need to succeed at this task/event. You can be as brief or verbose as you like here.